

The directory lists 2 types of users on MoneyGurus, who are the Mavens (Experts) and the Public Users. The Experts are listed per category. Their level of expertise will be highlighted through the ratings associated to them: lower ratings – poor expertise; higher ratings – excellent expertise.

  • The user can read through the profile of the expert, look at their consultation statistics, view their expertise ratings and make an informed decision on whether you want to appoint them on your consultants’ panel in a particular field they are featuring in, you then send them a consult invite by doing an ‘add on panel’;
  • if you are happy with who you currently consult with but want to have the specific expert on line for later consideration when you consider removing an already appointed expert, then you can ‘short-list’ the expert;
  • if you are impressed by the expert’s credentials but not to the extend of giving them space in your panel or even considering them for later, you can recommend them by voting that you are ‘impressed’ by their profile;
  • if you find the expert interesting and worth following, you can ‘follow’ them so you can regularly receive information on their activities on MoneyGurus in our regular periodic Newsletter communications with you, through email mostly;
  • Lastly, if you are interested in researching the expert, you can ‘lookup activity’ of the expert, which will pull the expert’s list of Q&As and refer you to the Q&A environment.

The users are listed per category as well. The users are listed with their FLIQ level status highlighted if they chose to make it public. The other user’s info that will be made public in the directory will be their FVM (Financial Vulnerability Measure) gradient scale. Experts can use this gradient scale to get an indication on which clients have vulnerabilities and need procurement... thus use it as a lead detector.

  • The expert is able to go through the user’s profile and read about their interests, areas of struggle on financial matters, etc. After that, the user can decide to ‘consult’ to a user by sending them a consultation invite;
  • Lastly, the expert can choose to ‘follow’ the user and put a pulse on them such that they can monitor their activities in as far as Q&As they are part of as the ones asking the questions; this gives the expert a further idea on what issue the user battles with and they can assess on whether they can come through for the user with their expertise